Recover Lost Sales with Abandoned Cart Emails

As an online business owner, one of the most frustrating things you might face is when potential customers add items to their shopping cart but then abandon it without making a purchase. This not only impacts your sales but also hurts your revenue and growth goals. However, there is a solution to recover these lost sales and boost your revenue: abandoned cart emails.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at abandoned cart emails, why they matter, and how to create effective ones that drive conversions.

Table of Contents

  • Understanding Abandoned Cart Emails
  • Why Abandoned Cart Emails Matter
  • Tips for Creating Effective Abandoned Cart Emails
    • Timing Matters
    • Personalization Is Key
    • Offer Incentives
    • Create Urgency
  • Examples of Effective Abandoned Cart Emails
  • Tools for Creating Abandoned Cart Emails
  • Measuring the Effectiveness of Abandoned Cart Emails
  • Common Mistakes to Avoid When Creating Abandoned Cart Emails
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Conclusion

Understanding Abandoned Cart Emails

Abandoned cart emails are automated messages that are triggered when a potential customer adds items to their cart but leaves your website without completing the purchase. These emails are sent to remind the customer about the items they left behind and encourage them to complete the purchase.

Abandoned cart emails usually contain information about the items left in the cart, a call to action to complete the purchase, and sometimes a special incentive or discount to encourage the customer to return to the website and complete the purchase.

Why Abandoned Cart Emails Matter

Abandoned cart emails are a crucial tool in any e-commerce business’s marketing strategy. Studies show that about 70% of online shopping carts are abandoned before checkout, meaning that for every 100 potential customers who add items to their cart, only 30 actually complete the purchase.

Abandoned cart emails give you a chance to recover those lost sales by reminding the customer about the items they left behind and providing an incentive to complete the purchase. This not only helps you recover lost revenue but also strengthens customer relationships and loyalty.

Tips for Creating Effective Abandoned Cart Emails

Creating effective abandoned cart emails requires some strategy and creativity. Here are some tips to keep in mind when crafting your emails:

Timing Matters

The timing of your abandoned cart email is crucial. You want to send the email soon enough that the customer hasn’t forgotten about their cart but not so soon that it feels pushy or spammy. Generally, sending the email within a few hours or days of the abandoned cart is the sweet spot.

Personalization Is Key

Personalized abandoned cart emails have a higher chance of converting than generic ones. Use the customer’s name and reference the specific items left in their cart to make the email feel more personal and tailored to their needs.

Offer Incentives

Offering an incentive or discount can be a powerful motivator for customers to return to your website and complete the purchase. Consider offering a percentage off the total purchase or free shipping to entice the customer to take action.

Create Urgency

Creating a sense of urgency in your abandoned cart email can encourage customers to act quickly. Use language that emphasizes the limited availability of the items or the expiration of the discount code to create a sense of urgency and prompt action.

Examples of Effective Abandoned Cart Emails

Here are some examples of effective abandoned cart emails:

  • A personalized email that includes the customer’s name and the specific items left in their cart, with a clear call to action and a discount code.
  • An email that includes a sense of urgency, with language that emphasizes the limited availability of the items or the discount code.
  • An email that offers free shipping or a percentage off the total purchase to incentivize the customer totake action and complete the purchase.

    Tools for Creating Abandoned Cart Emails

    There are several tools available to help you create effective abandoned cart emails, including:

    • Email service providers such as Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and Klaviyo
    • E-commerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento, which often have built-in abandoned cart email functionality
    • Marketing automation tools like Hubspot and Marketo, which can help you create personalized, targeted abandoned cart emails

    Measuring the Effectiveness of Abandoned Cart Emails

    To determine the effectiveness of your abandoned cart emails, track metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Use A/B testing to experiment with different subject lines, incentives, and calls to action to see what works best for your audience.

    Common Mistakes to Avoid When Creating Abandoned Cart Emails

    Some common mistakes to avoid when creating abandoned cart emails include:

    • Sending too many emails, which can feel spammy and annoying to customers
    • Failing to personalize the email or reference the specific items left in the cart
    • Offering incentives that are too small or not compelling enough to motivate the customer to take action
    • Failing to create a sense of urgency or scarcity in the email

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. Can abandoned cart emails be sent manually? Yes, but automated abandoned cart emails are more effective as they are triggered immediately when the customer abandons their cart.
    2. How many abandoned cart emails should I send? It’s generally best to send 1-3 abandoned cart emails to avoid overwhelming or annoying the customer.
    3. Can I use abandoned cart emails for other purposes? Yes, you can use abandoned cart emails for other purposes such as to encourage customers to complete a form or download a resource.
    4. Can abandoned cart emails be sent to customers who haven’t created an account? Yes, as long as the customer provided their email address during the checkout process.
    5. Can abandoned cart emails be personalized for returning customers? Yes, you can use data from previous purchases to personalize the email and make it more relevant to returning customers.


    Abandoned cart emails are a powerful tool in any e-commerce business’s marketing strategy. By reminding customers about the items they left behind and offering incentives to complete the purchase, you can recover lost revenue and strengthen customer relationships. Keep in mind the tips and best practices outlined in this article to create effective abandoned cart emails that drive conversions and boost your revenue.